
Watch Protesters Walk Down West Main Street

Protesters marched down West Main Street until they reached their destination of Carr's Hill. This protest came as an apparent response to a white supremacist Richard Spencer led a rally at Lee statue earlier in the...

Third Year Emily Head’s Hawaiian Vacation Gone Wrong Video produced by Julie Zink Third year UVa student Emily Head, who was vacationing in Hawaii during the false missile warning in early January, spent twenty minutes believing she was facing imminent death. She recalls...

New UVa Faculty Seminar Introduced to Teach about Race

Faculty from all schools and departments across UVa were recently invited to participate in the first session of a new teaching development seminar entitled, “Teaching Race at UVa.” The initiative, which exists as a...

NOW: Racial Inequality Exposed in Charlottesville City Schools Today on NOW, Aurora Calderone discusses Zyahna Bryant's position regarding the current racial divide here in Charlottesville. Additionally, Aurora dives into some responses from a UVA professor and Charlottesville City School Superintendent. Produced by...

Affordable Housing Crisis in Charlottesville The city of Charlottesville continues to struggle with an ongoing housing crisis stemming from limited land for housing development and a high amount of demand from UVA students. WUVA met with Sharon Bryant, a...

Keeping Hoos Healthy: Basketball Doctor A. Bobby Chhabra is the chair of the UVA Department of Orthopedic Surgery and the president of the University Physicians Group. His areas of expertise include hand, wrist, elbow trauma, and arthritis with...