
True Grit: New Garden Fosters Community at UVa

Behind Grit Coffee Bar on Elliewood Avenue, fourth-year English major Jacqueline O’Reilly is overseeing the creation of a community garden that could become a getaway spot for UVa students for years to come. “UVa is...

UVA’s College Republicans and University Democrats Give Joint Statement on Immigration Ban

By: Victoria Larned and Abigail Diaz Reporter Victoria Larned discusses the joint statement made by University Democrats and College Republicans in response to President Trump's Immigration ban.  

DREAMers On Grounds Accuses UVA of “Over-the-Top Militarization”

DREAMers On Grounds, the University organization "dedicated to protecting and supporting the undocumented student community," released a statement Thursday criticizing the heightened security around Grounds in anticipation of the "Unite the Right" anniversary. While...

Hatred On Trial: The Final Verdict

Through the proceedings of the trial for the Unite the Right rally, the jury found the defendants liable for over $26 million in damages.  The case, known as Sines v. Kessler, is the first major...

Future of the Student Activities Building and Student Theatre Troupes Due to time and budget constraints, student theatre groups are barred from using the high-quality Drama Department stages, and must resort to the inadequate Student Activities Building to perform their productions. The SAB is...

UVa Students Flocked to Polls, Millennial Turnout Remains Low

Last Tuesday's Gubernatorial Election, which ended in a victory for Democratic candidate Ralph Northam, had students flocking to the polls. Despite the cold and rain, several still stood outside of dining halls and polling...