UVa Students Look Forward to Midsummers in Charlottesville

This weekend is UVa Midsummers, where many students return to Charlottesville to reunite with friends and celebrate the halfway point of summer break. We asked some of the students what they are looking forward to most about this weekend.

During the school year, students flock to vineyards, the lawn, and the corner to celebrate beautiful summer-like weather, but we were curious to find out what fun activities students participate in during the summer. With Midsummers coming up this weekend, we decided to ask several UVa students what they are looking forward to most about being back in Charlottesville for a summer weekend.


Kelsey Parker
Third Year

“I’m looking forward to seeing friends and eating Christian’s pizza.”


Jim Fay
Third Year

“I like Midsummers because it gives me the chance to hang out with fraternity brothers on the corner and tear up the pong table.”


Lillian Morse
Third Year

“As an out-of-state student, I learned last summer that trying to visit school friends during summer is a time consuming, expensive endeavor. Having to work around hectic work schedules, transportation, location, and activities can make seeing school friends in summer almost impossible when you don’t live within a 2-hour radius of D.C., which is why I’m looking forward to midsummers this year. Midsummers is one weekend in Charlottesville where I know I will have the opportunity to see a decent majority of my school friends without having to travel all over the east coast. Honestly, I’m just looking forward to seeing everyone and having the opportunity to catch up and hang out in Charlottesville. Live music, good food, and even better company–what more could you want?”


Maddie Simpson
Third Year

“I’m mostly really looking forward to seeing people I haven’t seen for months, but I also really want to go to Schuyler Quarry and get myself some late night food on the corner.”


There you have it. If you’re in C-ville this weekend, make time to head to Schuyler Quarry or Humpback Mountain, grab a late night pizza at Christian’s and catch up with friends! Also, be sure to RSVP to Midsummers and stay updated on all events this weekend on the 2016 Midsummers Facebook event page.


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