Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping – Never Stop Laughing

From the minds behind Hot Rod and Lonely Island comes a hilarious satire on celebrity culture. Popstar finds a near perfect balance of satirical criticism and an endearing storyline, allowing the film to permeate deeper than a simple satire. The film delves into the difference in how we perceive celebrities and who they truly are. Though the film is by all means a comedy, classifying it as such seems to sell it short. There is a great and insightful message woven through the jokes that deserves to be recognized.

The cast and cameos alone could make Popstar great. Andy Samberg’s portrayal of Connor, the titular “popstar,” brings both depth and shallow ignorance to the character. He, like most celebrities, is blinded by his own ego, yet such shortsightedness is likely intentional. Jorma Taccone portrays Owen, the much needed sidekick to Connor. The character is essential in highlighting the ridiculousness of Connor, serving as a more outwardly empathetic character for the audience. Akiva Schaffer rounds out the Lonely Island crew portraying Lawrence, a recluse with ties to both Connor and Owen. Lawrence is essentially the polar opposite to Connor, allowing for an interesting dynamic. The supporting actors, including Sarah Silvermann, Tim Meadows, and Maya Ruldof, expertly sustain the core cast. Through a shocking number of celebrity cameos, the film finds an element of self-deprecation that furthers the already overwhelming humor.

Given the film’s title, Popstar, music is assumed to play a role. It is no wonder that the minds behind Lonely Island would choose to create a film centered upon humorous songs. Each performance is both ludicrous and entertaining. The songs not only serve as plot devices, but stand as their own individual elements of humor. Matched with the cast, superb writing, and celebrity cameos, Popstar is a must-see for the summer.


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