NOW: Punching White Nationalist Costs Only $1?

On WUVA’s First WUVA NOW of the 2018 Fall Semester reporter CJ Rogers takes us through the timeline of Jeffrey Winder from when he punched Jason Kessler during the Unite the Right rally to today.

Produced by CJ Rogers, Mica Vilanova

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It seems punching a White Nationalist only costs 1 dollar.

I’m CJ Rogers and today is Sunday, September 9th.

Welcome to WUVA NOW. A quick and easy way to stay updated on what’s happening in Charlottesville. Make sure to check back
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One year after the Unite the Right rally, Jeffery Winder, a citizen of Charlottesville, was fined 1 dollar for punching Jason Kessler, an organizer of the rally. The original assault took place the day after Heather Heyer’s death during a press conference downtown. Earlier this year, Winder was found guilty of misdemeanor assault and could have faced a maximum sentence of one year in jail and a $2500 fine. After the being charged, Winder appealed. This Tuesday, the jury decided he was still guilty but was only to pay a fine of $1.

That’s all for today, make sure to follow us on Facebook or go to our website to get all the latest news.

Thanks for watching.


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