Marching On | Libby Eveland


Sporting events are great. Team spirit, touchdowns, tailgating, jerseys… the whole shebang. But some people go solely to listen to the Marching Band. Band kids in general have always been in a league of their own, but who leads them? Who can manage the flare and flourishes of percussion, woodwinds, and choreography? Drum Majors. That’s who.

Find out the real magic of marching band with Drum Major Libby Eveland

Interviewer: Grace Deakyne

Intro/Outro: Kanaya Jones

Editor: Sophia Moore

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I am a Media Studies and Psychology double major with a passion for storytelling and people.
I am a third year ('24) from Monterey, California, majoring in Commerce and Media Studies. I am currently a student reporter for WUVA. You can reach me at
Director of the Podcast Department (Fall 2024-Spring 2025). Class of 2025 undergraduate student studying under the Environmental Thought and Practice Major at UVA. Reach out at Be well.


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