9 Things To Do During Finals That Are Not Studying

Finals are rapidly approaching and for many students, that can put a damper on their holiday spirit. While it is important to study for these last exams, be sure you do not sacrifice your entire soul to the library. It is important to take breaks amidst all of the work so you can recharge and stay sane. Here is a list of things you can do to keep your mind at ease.

  1. Eat Your Stress Away

You deserve quality food this time of the year and the dining halls are not really cutting it. This is the time to venture into Charlottesville areas like the downtown mall for some new and exciting options.

  1. Work Out

It has been proven that working out eases tension so this is the perfect time to hit up the AFC if you have not done so yet. Exercising can’t hurt given that you have probably been stress eating. Plus, running that extra mile will give you the confidence you need to ace those exams. 

If you are looking to do something outdoors, every Thursday at 5:30 pm “Hoo-ville Community Fun Runs” take off at the Ragged Mountain Running shop on the Corner.  Runs range from two to five miles and all levels and abilities are welcome.

3.  Attend Study Breaks

On Wednesday, December 7th, the Alumni Association will host a study break with free bagels and blue books from 10:00 am-12:00 pm at Alumni Hall. If you cannot find yourself leaving the libraries, no worries. A lot of free food opportunities spring up at the libraries during this time of year. HerCampus for example, will have a study break on the fourth floor of Clem tomorrow at 8:00 pm with giveaways and baked goods.

4. Scout New Coffee Shops

The amount of caffeine running through your bloodstream is at an all time high. A coffee break is refreshing and a good way to detach yourself from the books. If you have run out of plus dollars, you might as well go to a coffee shop off grounds. Try MarieBette Café or Millie Joe Coffee Roasters.

5.  Go to the Basketball Game on Tuesday

Forget about your worries by cheering on the Hoos at JPJ tonight. Basketball games are a good way to see the student and Charlottesville communities come together for their love of the U of V.

6.  Attend a Pillow Fight

Come fulfill a childhood dream. Help get rid of stress by attending a pillow fight at Memorial Gym Court 2 at 7:30 pm tonight. There will be free Chinese food and energy bars. The event is BYOP (bring your own pillow) or you can pay for one at the event.

Sign up to attend here: https://docs.google.com/a/virginia.edu/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScoJknMyKynkWuV5Ol424KpJypAt_OgMuCHDc22hKZ6URlUqw/viewform

7.  Do Yoga

There is no better time to mediate and relax than now.  There will be yoga Tuesday at 7:30 pm in the Commonwealth Room, and Wednesday at 8:00 pm in the AFC.

8. Sleep

Sleeping is a good way to avoid any responsibility you may have. During finals however, a lot of students tend to sacrifice sleep to study. This is only detrimental to your health. With more rest you can be more productive and retain more information.

9. Think About the Upcoming Break

You have worked hard all semester and are almost done. For an entire month, you get to relax and enjoy the holidays with family and friends without thinking about any lingering assignments you still have to do.

Study hard but don’t forget to breathe. Good luck on finals Hoos!


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