UVa Urges Students to Get-Out-The-Vote

With the 2016 presidential election just two weeks away, the Charlottesville community is uniting with one common goal in mind: getting students and faculty out to vote on Election Day.

When asked about the Get-Out-The Vote Rally on October 25th, University Democrats Campaign Chair Elizabeth Parker said: “I think it is an awesome opportunity for a lot of us who are from different groups that span different interests, different political groups that may sometimes be at odds, to be working together to educate the public about what is on the ballot.”

“We saw this as an opportunity to really get our candidate’s name out there as well as get excited for the election in fourteen days,” she explained.

Local politicians and officials joined the CIOs at the rally by speaking about the importance of exercising this constitutional right.

“In 2008, actually when the last Democrat won the fifth [district], he won by 727 votes,” said Parker. “So really here in Charlottesville and Albemarle County, every single vote counts.”

Speakers also discussed issues such as the legalization of marijuana, gerrymandering, student debt, and the significance of the millennial vote.

“I think it is important to show our power as a voting block to make sure our interests are better reflected,” said Black Student Alliance Political Action Director Wes Gobar.

Representatives from the Batten School, UVaVotes, Youth for Gary Johnson, and other groups were likewise present at the rally.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8th. For information about polling places and other related information, see the “Polling Places” page of the Charlottesville City website.


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