Re-Opening of Littlejohn’s

After closing in 2020 due to the pandemic, Littlejohn’s finally re-opened this year so the Class of 2024 can have a memorable final sandwich before they graduate.

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Ayathi Gogineni is a third-year in the College of Arts and Sciences at UVA pursuing a major in Chemistry. This is her third year at WUVA and second year as Student Life Director. She is passionate about making HooPolls and recording student interview videos, and hopes to begin an official research focused series at WUVA. Outside of WUVA, Ayathi is a Madison House Medical Services Volunteer and Service Learning Trip Coordinator of the MEDLIFE chapter at UVA.
Hi! My name is Ava Posey! I am a first year from Richmond, Virginia in the College of Arts & Sciences. Feel free to contact me at
Cameron Mottley is a second-year student at UVA majoring in Media Studies. She is from from Mechanicsville, VA and is the incoming Student Life Director at WUVA. Cameron is currently working as a Social Media & Marketing intern at UVA Student Health & Wellness. Her other involvements include University Dance Club, Kappa Delta Sorority, and Ballet & Books. Feel free to reach out to Cameron at


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