Today, Tuesday, April 12, former Vice President Mike Pence will be speaking at the University of Virginia. This event was organized by Young America’s Foundation, and since its announcement has been the subject of controversy at the University.
Following the news of Pence’s appearance, many students vocalized dissent against UVA providing a platform for Pence to speak. Despite this dispute, the event will occur. Discussion of this event has not been limited to organizations within UVA. Many national news outlets including the Washington Post, Fox News, and the Daily Mail have reported on Pence’s appearance and the dialogue surrounding it. President Jim Ryan weighed in on the debate saying, “The exchange of ideas about Mr. Pence’s presence on Grounds is not a sign that free expression is dead on Grounds — it’s a sign that it is alive and well.”
Pence’s speech will be titled “How to Save America from the Woke Left,” and will be given in Old Cabell Hall at 7 pm today.