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Surviving 11 Straight Days at Sea: Easier than it Seems

There’s no WiFi, no access to social media, and no cell service. Nothing but water for 11 days straight. This is the reality that...

UVa Student Detained in North Korea

On Friday morning, North Korea’s state-run media announced that University of Virginia student Otto Warmbier has been arrested for allegedly perpetrating an unspecified “hostile...

Charlottesville Restaurant Week Begins Friday

Charlottesville Restaurant Week kicks off today, which will raise money for the culinary school at Piedmont Virginia Community College. Dozens of restaurants will participate,...

The “Catfishing” Behind the UVa Rape Scandal

Just last week, new evidence was revealed in the debunked UVA rape case that led to major lawsuits against the magazine Rolling Stone. In recent...

UVa Remembers Second Year Student Paul Kim

Second Year student Paul Kim passed away on Tuesday, January 12th from complications following surgery. Kim spent his first year of college at Christopher Newport...

Police Investigate Downtown Mall Bank Robbery

Police are investigating a bank robbery that occurred on Monday, January 4th on the Downtown Mall. At 10:58am, Charlottesville police got a call that...