The BSA’s 5th Demand Calls for a Required Curriculum
The BSA believes the University is not doing enough to address its history of white supremacy and slavery. Reporter Yahya Abou-Ghazala takes a closer look at the 5th Demand, which calls for a mandatory...
Thomas Jefferson’s Legacy at UVa
The presence of Thomas Jefferson’s prominence at the University of Virginia has been a topic of serious debate. Reporter Harley Susan Robertson investigates this existence and how it may change in the next century
Future of the Student Activities Building and Student Theatre Troupes
Due to time and budget constraints, student theatre groups are barred from using the high-quality Drama Department stages, and must resort to the inadequate Student Activities Building to perform their productions. The SAB is...
Study Haven Finalized on Clemons Library Second Floor
With the reopening of Clemons Library's second floor early this October, WUVA takes a look at the amenities and opinions on the new study space. Check it out!
Produced by Brynn Jefferson, Norah Mulinda, Parnia...
This is Net Neutrality and Here’s Why It Matters For You
We took the time to talk to Assistant Professor of Media Studies Christopher Ali about everything you need to know on Net Neutrality and why it matters.
Evaluating Unity at the Concert for Charlottesville
Just about a month after the Unite the Right rally sent shock waves throughout the once quiet town of Charlottesville, the Dave Matthews Band decided to put on a benefit concert for the city...