
Professor Spotlight: Francesca Calamita

Dr. Francesca Calamita is a lecturer in Italian Studies who came to UVa in August 2014. She is originally from a small town close to Viterbo, which is near Rome. Calamita's entire family still...

“Trump” – from the Eyes of Students Abroad

On the night of November 8th, I watched Donald Drumpf’s victory shake the world from overseas. While studying abroad in Copenhagen, I noted there really hadn’t been much discussion of American politics in general conversation...

Meet the Mormons: Missionaries on Grounds Open Up About UVa Experience

We have all seen the Mormons on grounds. They are the ones in suits or skirts, carrying books, wearing name tags. While some of us engage in meaningful conversation, others cross the street hoping...

Lighting of the Lawn: More Than Just A Flashy Light Show

By: Mia Barron, Caroline Coleburn, and Mekenzye Schwab.  This year's Lighting of the Lawn ceremony served as a way to promote inclusivity in the Charlottesville and UVA community.    

Blackness At UVa

By: Mekenzye Schwab, Caroline Coleburn, and Mia Barron. The extremely popular Black Monologues production returned to UVa for a second year, and explores the diversity of the black community.

9 Things To Do During Finals That Are Not Studying

Finals are rapidly approaching and for many students, that can put a damper on their holiday spirit. While it is important to study for these last exams, be sure you do not sacrifice your entire...