
NOW: White Nationalist Richard Spencer Faces Domestic Violence Allegations Today on NOW, Kyra Min reviews Nina Kouprianova's alleged claims regarding the physical, verbal, and emotional abuse she suffered during her marriage to white nationalist Richard Spencer. Produce by Kyra Min and Aurora Calderone

‘They Dominated the Conversation and the Landscape’: Confederate Statues Removed in Charlottesville Saturday marked a momentous occasion for Charlottesville and the Nation as Confederate statues were finally removed after years of legal battles and demonstrations.

Senator Tim Kaine Talks Obamacare Repeal with UVa Medical Students

On Friday, U.S. Senator Tim Kaine visited the University of Virginia School of Medicine to speak with students about the future of the Affordable Care Act. Kaine's lecture coincided with Friday's Congressional vote that approved...

Breakthrough in Liver Disease Research at UVA Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is the world's most common liver disease. UVA researchers led by Dr. Irina Bochkis of UVA’s Department of Pharmacology identifies the key findings in the cause behind NAFLD. Select Footage...

Republican Candidate John Kasich Visits UVA Miller Center

Current Governor of Ohio and candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the United States, John Kasich, visited the University of Virginia Monday for a taping of American Forum. American Forum is a...

COVID-19’s Impact on UVA Arts Grounds The UVA Arts community reacts to this fall's unexpected shift to virtual performances, online art exhibitions, and remote classes.