
Trans YouTuber Chase Ross Talks to UVa Students

On Wednesday, students gathered in Newcomb South Meeting Room to listen to Chase Ross, a well-known YouTuber and trans rights activist, speak about his experience as a trans man and an academic. His demeanor was...

Presidential Debate Recap Tuesday night, Presidential candidates Donald Trump and Kamala Harris met for the first time on the debate stage. With under 60 days until the election, this moment was one critical to their campaigns. WUVA...
President Ryan

Online Courses Replacing On-Grounds Classes

In an email to the University community dated Wednesday, March 11, University President James Ryan announced that all University of Virginia classes will be held online for the foreseeable future, possibly through the end...

Congressional Candidate Tom Garrett Gets Support from UVa Grassroots

The grassroots organization “UVa Students for Garrett” recently emerged on Grounds in support of Republican Tom Garrett’s campaign for Congress in Virginia’s 5th District. The group, started by First Year Tanner Hirschfeld, has been...

James Franco Visit Cancelled

The President’s Speaker Series for Arts has been cancelled due to an unforeseen scheduling conflict. The April 17th event was supposed to feature prominent actor, writer, and filmmaker James Franco. The UVa Arts department notified...

The Legacy of Walter Korte

By Alex Andrews, Cara Salpini, and Alex D'Elia