
Dean Eramo Defamation Suit Moves Toward Trial

Nicole Eramo, the former UVa associate dean, will likely see her $7.5 million-dollar defamation lawsuit to trial. The lawsuit was filed in May of last year after the November 2014 Rolling Stone article “A...

IOC Approves Five New Sports for the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo

With the opening ceremonies of the 2016 Rio Summer Olympics just hours away, the International Olympics Committee voted on Wednesday to incorporate five new sports into the 2020 Olympic Games in Tokyo. The 129th IOC...

Longtime UVa Professor Charged with Possession of Child Pornography

Tenured UVa drama professor Walter Korte Jr. was arrested on Monday, August 2nd and charged with two counts of possessing child pornography. He is currently being held without bond in Albemarle Charlottesville Regional Jail. The...

Martese Johnson Trial Delayed

UVa student Martese Johnson’s lawsuit against the Virginia Alcoholic Beverage Control has been delayed, according to court documents. Johnson was brutally abuse by ABC officers patrolling the Corner on St. Patrick’s Day of 2015. The...

Infamous Rolling Stone Reporter Sabrina Rubin Erdely Fired

For the first time since the infamous Rolling Stone article “A Rape on Campus” was debunked, the status of the reporter’s career has been revealed. According to court papers filed in the U.S. District Court...

Clinton Selects Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as Running Mate

Presidential Candidate Hilary Clinton has officially chosen Virginia Senator Timothy Kaine as her running mate for the 2016 Presidential Campaign. Tim Kaine began his political career as a city councilman for Richmond and became...