
UVa Professor Investigates Lead Corrosion in Pipes, Flint Water Crisis

In April 2013, Michigan state treasurer Andy Dillon authorized the city of Flint to switch its water source from Lake Huron and the Detroit River to the Flint River in an effort to save...

Tim Kaine Loses Cool in VP Debate

WUVA reporters attended the Vice Presidential Debate in Longwood University on Tuesday night. They spoke to Kellyanne Conway and Senator Mark Warner about their reactions after the debate.

UVAVotes Encourages Student Voter Registration

In the 2012 election, the United States saw the lowest percentage of adults aged 18-24 voting since the 2000 campaign. The number fell to 38% after two consecutive elections with a voter turnout in...

Rotunda Finally Invites Charlottesville Inside

The University of Virginia’s acclaimed Rotunda reopened this Saturday after nearly two and a half years of renovations, much to the delight of students and community members alike. Since the spring of 2014, the Rotunda...

Judge Raises Bar for Dean Eramo to Prove Defamation

After being engaged in a civil action lawsuit for the past year, UVa Associate Dean Nicole Eramo is facing a new hurdle in her ongoing battle against Rolling Stone Magazine. A district court judge’s labeling...

The First Year Housing Frenzy Begins

As September winds down, many newly minted Wahoos are already scrambling to make housing plans for next year. “The whole process is really intense,” said first year Tommy Snead. “I’m just starting to get acclimated...