
Pancakes for Parkinson’s: ​13 Years of Flipping for a Cure

Saturday morning marks Pancakes for Parkinson’s 13th annual charity event on the South Lawn.  All of the money raised will fund the Michael J. Fox Foundation and research to find a cure for Parkinson’s...

UVa Women’s Center Launches Domestic Violence Awareness Campaign

The Maxine Platzer Lynn Women’s Center at UVa is holding events throughout October in honor of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. This week, the Women’s Center's Gender Violence and Social Change Program launched the Red Flag...

UVA Professor Compares Black Lives Matter to the KKK

Many in the UVa community were shocked and disturbed to learn about comments made by Professor Douglass Muir last week on Facebook which likened the Black Lives Matter movement to the Ku Klux Klan....

Virginia’s First Ladies Rally for Clinton at UVa

Ann Holton, former first lady of Virginia and wife of vice presidential nominee Tim Kaine, visited UVa Thursday night in the hopes of bringing voters out to the polls to elect the Clinton-Kaine ticket...

OPINION: Professor Comparing Black Lives Matter to KKK Provides Opportunity for Dialogue

On October 4th, community outrage ensued over a Facebook comment made by Douglas Muir, an executive lecturer in the Engineering School and the Darden School of Business, when he compared the Black Lives Matter...