
1 Degree: an app like no other

By: Logan Carrington, Corey Cronin, Victoria Moran

Fourth-year Lauren Jackson Nets Prestigious Rhodes Scholarship

In the last weeks before the fall semester ends, many students’ minds are teeming with concerns about group projects, lengthy papers, and final examinations. But fourth-year student Lauren Jackson will be going home this...

Landowners and the Atlantic Coast Pipeline By: Monica Casey, Victoria Moran, Caroline Zukowsky

The Life of Julian Bond

By: Logan Carrington, Brianna Hamblin, and Alexis Jones

Charlottesville Investigative Detentions

The Charlottesville Police Department is facing accusations of racial bias in their stop-and-frisk practices. We spoke with local attorney Jeffery Fogel and Charlottesville Police Captain Gary Pleasants to get the full story. Reported by Sam...

The 16th Annual Lighting of the Lawn Brightens the Holidays

The 2016 Lighting of the Lawn took place last night, Dec. 1, as per the fifteen year long tradition. The custom began in the wake of the 9/11 terror attacks on the World Trade...