
Flexibility in Returning to Grounds: Jim Ryan’s Latest

This afternoon, Jim Ryan sent out an email to the UVA community detailing the plan for the Fall at UVA. Students will have the choice whether or not to return to grounds. UVA will...

“WE ARE ALL RESPONSIBLE FOR TRANSMISSION,” says man who personally sanctioned a specific group...

  CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA- After a second day of COVID cases at the University of Virginia skyrocketing to a record high, Dean Groves has released a statement.  “The speculation that Greek organizations are solely or primarily responsible...

UVA Reports 174 Cases in One Day, Speculation “not supported by evidence”

Thursday afternoon, the UVA COVID Tracker reported 174 new cases in a single day, a slight dip from the previous day’s record of 229 cases. Prior to this week, the single-day record was 59...

UVA Restricts All Social Gatherings

After observing a record-breaking 121 new cases on Monday, UVA President Jim Ryan announced via email that all-in person gatherings will be banned starting February 16 at 7:00 pm, with the possibility of adjustment...

VA Governor Ralph Northam Enacts Stay-at-Home Order

In a press conference this afternoon, Governor Ralph Northam announced that Virginia will be going under a stay-at-home order until June 10th. Effective immediately, Virginian residents will be unable to leave their homes aside...

Move-Out Permitted by UVA Between May 4 and May 24

The University of Virginia announced that students may return to Grounds to move out between May 4 and 24 by scheduled appointment. When Grounds closed in March due to the coronavirus pandemic, many could...