This or That: Eat Newcomb Food for the Rest of College or Attend Virginia...
We tested the loyalty of UVA Students to see if they would eat dining food for the next four years or attend Virginia Tech, our number one rival!
Produced by Maddie Zipper, Chase Mason, Valeria...
Resident Advisors at UVA and O-Week
The semester is starting soon and students are coming back on campus! In preparation for a semester of responsibilities and fun activities, the Resident Advisors are working hard during O-Week.
Footage Courtesy Of Motion...
WUVA Summer Intern Program: 2023
WUVA's 2023 Summer Intern Program has come to a happy ending. This video gives a breakdown of the program and aims to honor all of the hard work the interns did over the course...
Dylan Castagne Feature: Washington Nationals Video Production Intern
WUVA reporter Aidan Baller spends the day following Dylan Castagne, a Video Production Intern for the Washington Nationals.
Footage Courtesy of Curly W Productions, Adobe Stock, Washington Nationals
Pegasus: UVA Health’s Medical Transportation Aircraft
Pegasus, UVA Health's medical transport aircraft, helps patients who are critically injured and ill. WUVA went to the aircraft's base and spoke with the Critical Care Operations Supervisor, Greg Cassis, about the helicopter and...
The Future of Women’s Health Care
Women’s health care has improved in affordability and accessibility. The FDA approved Opill, the first over-the-counter, non-prescription, birth control pill, and colleges across the United States are installing Plan B vending machines. WUVA spoke...