Off to the (Foxfield) Races | Kelsey Cox
The Foxfield Race is an iconic biannual event in Charlottesville. UVA students are sure to add it to their bucket list of things to do before graduating. In the end, they make a tradition...
Center for Politics Concert with the UVA Chamber Singers: Political Campaign Songs Through the...
During the UVA Center for Politics weekend celebration for their 25th Anniversary, the Center partnered with the UVA Chamber Singers to highlight various political campaign songs. Newly appointed Professor of Practice, Martin Luther King...
Finding Their Groove | Loose Champagne
As a collection of college musicians, Loose Champagne performs at venues integral to UVA's nightlife scene. What's their goal? To animate a love for funk and R&B in all hearts with good energy and...
Black Girl Autopoetics | Dr Ashleigh Greene Wade
WUVA welcomes Dr. Ashleigh Greene Wade from the Media Studies Department to talk about her new book Black Girl Autopoetics. With Lauren Pierce, Dr. Wade discusses the need for representation and attention toward understanding...
The UVA Stepmom | Mary Walton
Maybe you've seen students walking around grounds with a t-shirt with "UVA Stepmom" printed on the front. You can't find the shirt at the UVA bookstore. It's not at any of the Mincer's around...
Raphael’s Islands | Alexandra Déglise
The arts at UVA are often overlooked, but every year, the drama department showcases works from students, professors, professionals, and alumni. This March, alumna Alexandra Déglise is bringing her original work Raphael's Islands for...