5 Quarantine Activities To Try At Home

Are you bored? Not sure how to spend time at home? Well, you’ve come to the right place! Here are the top 5 most engaging activities to do during quarantine.

1. Read a book



Reading a book can take up a lot of time, and it can be a lot of fun! Books can stimulate a lot of brain activity, keeping our minds sharp. You can read the entire Harry Potter series, or be a normal person and read any other book. 


2. Dye or cut your hair



Studies show that dying or cutting your hair can alleviate a lot of stress, and sometimes even give you a serotonin boost. I cut my bangs and dyed my hair and I have never felt better!



3. Recreate the bezaddled Furby from Uncut Gems


Do you want the beautiful golden Furby from Uncut Gems but can’t afford to place a bid on the A24 auction? No need to worry, you can make your own! Find an old Furby from your nearby dumpster and cover it with glitter glue and you’re set.



4. Lay in the grass and have an existential crisis


Everything is so horrible, how is this happening? We’re all just on this planet living our lives and all of a sudden everything has changed. None of this feels real. What’s going to happen next I can’t



5. Learn how to knit


Knitting is a very relaxing activity that you can do in any room in your house. Just sit back, listen to some music, and try to knit yourself a nice scarf. It will be the only warmth any of us can feel right now!



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